Wexford Town Library - Regular Events April 25 (7.30pm) "The Cold Eye of Heaven", a reading by Christine Dwyer Hickey, Wexford Library, Mallon St, Wexford. No cc but pre-booking required. Tel 053 9196760.Regular Events at Wexford Town Library •Pre-school Story Time - Fridays at 10.30am •Thursday group for retired adults to talk about books •An dara Deardaoin den mhí, gach mhí - Club Leabhar Gaeilge ag 7.00pm •Fás e-learning workshops for adults in association with FÁS. Attendance limited to listed participants. •Three adult reading circles. All events are free of charge and all are welcome. Further details: contact the librarian, Nicola McGrath. Tel: 053-9121637 or email: wexfordlib@wexfordcoco.ie www.facebook.com/Wexfordlib
Lectures on the Fringe Check out the Wexford Fringe site for details of all lectures happening over the festival. Here's one definitely worth supporting: "Dust Motes Dancing in the Sun Beams" - an anthology of comtemporary Wexford writing put together by journalist and author Tom Mooney. It is to be launched by Minister Jimmy Deenihan on Mon, Oct 28 (1.30pm) at Wexford Library.